Keller Williams Puyallup - Katrina Halterman
Katrina Halterman
Keller Williams Puyallup
Puyallup, WA
English / Tagalog
Licenca nr: 21014739 - WA / Real Estate Broker
Çdo zyrë Keller Williams® është në pronësi dhe operim të pavarur
Detajet e mia
GJUHËT English, Tagalog
SPECIALITETE DHE EMËRTIMET Military Relocation Professional
PËRKATËSIA USHTARAKE Military Spouse - United States United States Army
MARKET CENTER Keller Williams Puyallup

Rreth meje

I am in business to build relationships and not a quick commission. I will always advise with authenticity and truth. In every conversation, I will always show up with a positive high energy, and solution-based mindset in every interaction. I constantly embrace, technological innovation in an industry that actively avoids it. I have a learning and Student mindset by educating and investing in myself first and foremost I can better and empower my community with the very best information. I approach every conversation with empathy, and patience because I know purchasing and selling a home is one of the most stressful and high-pressure decisions in your life.

My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Ju lutemi shkruani emrin tuaj.
Ju lutemi shkruani mbiemrin tuaj.
Ju lutemi shkruani adresën tuaj të emailit. Ju lutemi shkruani një adresë të vlefshme emaili.
Vendos një numër telefoni të vlefshëm.
Ju lutemi shkruani numrin tuaj të telefonit. Vendos një numër telefoni të vlefshëm.
Ju lutemi shkruani një mesazh
Duke klikuar "Dërgo mesazh" ju pranoni se të dhënat tuaja personale do të trajtohen në përputhje me politikën tonë të privatësisë dhe do të ndahen me një agjent imobiliar të Keller Williams ose qendër tregu.
Mesazhi u Dergua
Dicka shkoi keq. Ju lutemi provoni përsëri.
Katrina Halterman
Numri i licencës: 21014739

Contact me
Keller Williams Puyallup
1029 E Main Ave Suite, 201 Puyallup, WA 98372

Katrina Halterman
Real Estate Broker 21014739
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